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History of Muztaghata climbing Expedition

label:History,Muztaghata,climbing,Ex Release time:2016-04-16 18:15
                                                                                                                         History of Muztaghata climbing Expedition

Muztaghata is located in the est of Pamir,Muztaghata and her neigbour-Kongur are two most high mountains in Pamir.The name Muztaghata means father of glacier mountain.From June to August every year,it’s an ideal periode to discover this mysterious and huge mountain.It’s very high mountain but not very steep, a safe mountain relatively.It’s why people call this mountain as paradise to ski.Since a long time,people tried to climb this mountain.
1670, an England man Tolochel explored this mountain.
1947,another two England man Shipton and Yorman tried this expediton,but failed
1956,the first group of Sinio-USSR arrive at summit of Muztaghata
1959,The first group of chinese arrive at summit.


Buzz Word Focus Entrepreneurial mindset boosts regional development muztagh ata
We have groups for Muz
tagh-Ata Peak,Koskulak
Peak, Kuksay Peak expe
dition,silk road tour,
Kashgar-Tibet tour in 20
16. You may join to any
of them to get a group
price if you are
individuals or in a small
group.We are now
accepting applications
for our 2016 expeditions.
Please join in.Climbing
Period : Bet ween June
15 and August 30 (Kashgar
to Kashgar).