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Nobody arrived at summit of Mustagh ata this year

label:Mustagh ata Release time:2020-08-22 09:08
Nobody arrived at summit of Mustagh ata in 2020
  As well known,because of Corona Virus,all the expeditions of Mustagh ata are cancelled even for those groups who have already got permit.
It never happened in last 20 years,we have almost 20 groups for Mustagh ata expedition every year.It was never stopped for any reason.But this year,it changed.At the beginning of this year,the epidemic broke out all over world.At that mommnet,we thougt it will be finished by end of Aprile.We update equipments for Mustagh ata expediton and organize strict training for our staffs,expect to bring our clients more excellent experience.But epidemic repeated outbreaks from time to time.It upset our step.By the end of May,we announced to cancel all our expeditions of Mustagh ata this year because of so much uncertainty.
Some groups from other agency don’t want to give it up.They applied permits and wait sevral days at Idara(Last camping before BC of Mustagh ata).But they are obliged to go back home for epidemic reason finally.This is the group who is most near to Mustagh ata this year.Now,this is almost end of Mustagh ata expedition season.I believe that no other group will try it.
“Why we climb the mountain because mountain is there”.Mustagh ata is here.Let’s meet togather here in 2021, thanks.

Buzz Word Focus Entrepreneurial mindset boosts regional development muztagh ata
We have groups for Muz
tagh-Ata Peak,Koskulak
Peak, Kuksay Peak expe
dition,silk road tour,
Kashgar-Tibet tour in 20
16. You may join to any
of them to get a group
price if you are
individuals or in a small
group.We are now
accepting applications
for our 2016 expeditions.
Please join in.Climbing
Period : Bet ween June
15 and August 30 (Kashgar
to Kashgar).